Here you will find the latest news about our products and company. For detailed information about products and features, please refer to our product pages.

acontis and CODESYS plan product cooperation
The combination of the acontis technologies real-time hypervisor technology and Codesys PLC runtime systems enable a new class of flexibility for machine controls paired with leading real-time performance.

acontis technologies live: Operate EtherCAT devices within IT-networks
Are you ready to bridge the gap between IT and OT networks? Join us to discover how acontis is enabling EtherCAT devices to operate seamlessly within IT networks.
Read more … acontis technologies live: Operate EtherCAT devices within IT-networks

acontis technologies expands distribution network in India and ASEAN countries
acontis technologies expands distribution network in Asia with Embedded Systems Solutions and Gopalam Embedded Systems
Read more … acontis technologies expands distribution network in India and ASEAN countries

acontis technologies Announces Integration of EC-Master with QNX SDP 8.0
acontis technologies is excited to announce the complete compatibility and support of our flagship product, EC-Master – the acontis EtherCAT MainDevice software, with the new BlackBerry® QNX® real-time operating system (OS) in the recently-released QNX® Software Development Platform (SDP) 8.0.
Read more … acontis technologies Announces Integration of EC-Master with QNX SDP 8.0

20 Years of Innovation: Celebrating EtherCAT & ETG with Christoph Widmann
Christoph Widmann was featured in an interview during the Beckhoff Live + Interactive coverage at the SPS 2023 show in Nuremberg, Germany.
Alongside Martin Rostan from the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG), they discuss the development and evolution of EtherCAT Technology and the ETG over the last two decades.

Acontis' EtherCAT Master Stack on SolidRun´s TI AM64x System on Module (SOM) for Robotics and Automation Applications
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