EtherCAT® Software - Real-time/Multicore/Hypervisor Software - Services

acontis technologies is a leading provider for EtherCAT Technology, Windows real-time software and Real-Time Virtualization/Hypervisor Technology.
Our company is known for high quality products "Made in Germany". Many blue chip customers world-wide use our products.

EtherCAT® Software

Our EtherCAT Master Stack EC-Master is a leading product in EtherCAT Industrial Communications. Many important companies world-wide rely on the quality and rich amount of functionality offered by EC-Master for their EtherCAT controller products. Our EtherCAT Technology Group engagement in several working groups ensures full compliance with the EtherCAT standards and inter-operability with all available EtherCAT slave devices.
Our EC-Engineer software serves as a powerful EtherCAT configuration and diagnosis tool, which also can be integrated into customer's application.
Our real-time EtherCAT network simulation software EC-Simulator enables testing and commissioning of an EtherCAT network without real slave devices.


Windows Real-time Extension

With the Windows Real-time Extension from acontis we offer you a solution fully integrated in Windows. This enables you to meet the required characteristics of hard real-time tasks all within the familiar Microsoft development environment (Visual Studio), both for application development and debugging of real-time applications. Using Visual Studio project wizards, real-time applications can be created in the same way as for regular Windows application, and debugging the real-time applications is also done in the same way as debugging normal Windows applications. The acontis real-time extension for Windows is installed easily and without any special adaptations to Windows.


Real-time Hypervisor Software

The hypervisor is responsible for controlling the running operating systems and allocating the required hardware components. In order to implement a real-time operating system (RTOS) in a virtualization environment, the hypervisor must support hardware partitioning. The hardware itself is divided into several partitions - usually one partition dedicated to non-real-time applications and one or more partitions dedicated to real-time applications. This guarantees hardware prioritization and thus enables the possibility for achieving hard Real-time by design. Another important requirement of the hypervisor is not to cause any additional latencies. A hypervisor that can meet these requirements is called a real-time hypervisor. Legacy implementations with two separate hardware controllers can thus be consolidated onto a single piece of hardware using hardware partitioning and a real-time hypervisor.



Visit the acontis booth hall 4-153 to learn about the latest on EtherCAT and real-time Hypervisors!

Our partner Gopalam Embedded Systems is proud sponsor of the EtherCAT Seminars in Vietnam: Feb. 20 in Ho Chi Minh City, Feb. 21 in Hanoi!

Our partner Gopalam Embedded Systems is proud sponsor of the EtherCAT Seminars in Malaysia: Feb. 25 in Melaka, Feb. 26 in Petaling Jaya, Feb. 27 in Penang!