
Here you will find the latest news about our products and company. For detailed information about products and features, please refer to our product pages.

EC-Master can now be used on the Beckhoff CX9020 controller series running Linux.

acontis releases new product for simulating an EtherCAT network of slave devices.

EC-Master has been updated to a new version, V3.0, with support for Junction Redundancy with DC, Master Redundancy, Slave-to-Slave Mailbox communication, and Split-frame processing

acontis has released a new software tool for Windows that enables tunneling of third-party EoE communications through the EtherCAT Master software and onto the EtherCAT network.

acontis releases new web-based EtherCAT configuration and diagnosis tool, with dark mode user interface.

acontis announces new OPC UA TSN software evaluation kit available

acontis adds support for Linux to its world class Windows Real-time Hypervisor Solution

acontis expands operations to the United States with a new office location

EC-Engineer has been updated to version V2.9 with support for EtherCAT P, a busload performance indicator, improvements to offline diagnosis, and a new Mailbox Statistics Object
