Here you will find the latest news about our products and company. For detailed information about products and features, please refer to our product pages.

EC-Master for Beckhoff CX9020
EC-Master can now be used on the Beckhoff CX9020 controller series running Linux.

New Product: EC-Simulator
acontis releases new product for simulating an EtherCAT network of slave devices.

EC-Master Updated to V3.0
EC-Master has been updated to a new version, V3.0, with support for Junction Redundancy with DC, Master Redundancy, Slave-to-Slave Mailbox communication, and Split-frame processing

New EoE Tool for EC-Master
acontis has released a new software tool for Windows that enables tunneling of third-party EoE communications through the EtherCAT Master software and onto the EtherCAT network.

New Product: EC-Engineer Web
acontis releases new web-based EtherCAT configuration and diagnosis tool, with dark mode user interface.

Windows Real-time Hypervisor Updated to Support Linux
acontis adds support for Linux to its world class Windows Real-time Hypervisor Solution
続きを読む... Windows Real-time Hypervisor Updated to Support Linux

EC-Engineer Updated to V2.9
EC-Engineer has been updated to version V2.9 with support for EtherCAT P, a busload performance indicator, improvements to offline diagnosis, and a new Mailbox Statistics Object