Here you will find the latest news about our products and company. For detailed information about products and features, please refer to our product pages.

acontis Windows real-time solutions updated to version 8.1.0
acontis technologies has recently released version 8.1.0 of its leading Windows real-time solutions (EC-Win, LxWin, VxWin, RTOS32Win).
阅读更多 … acontis Windows real-time solutions updated to version 8.1.0

acontis Windows real-time solutions updated to version 7.1.2
acontis technologies has recently released version 7.1.2 of its leading Windows real-time solutions (EC-Win, LxWin, VxWin, RTOS32Win).
阅读更多 … acontis Windows real-time solutions updated to version 7.1.2

acontis is entering into a partnership with Maxburg
acontis, the leading provider of EtherCAT OEM software, is entering into a partnership with Maxburg

acontis Windows real-time solutions updated to version 7.1.1
acontis technologies has recently released version 7.1.1 of its leading Windows real-time solutions (EC-Win, LxWin, VxWin, RTOS32Win).
阅读更多 … acontis Windows real-time solutions updated to version 7.1.1